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Source: dl.acm.org
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Article summary:

1. Mobile phone vibration feedback is generally very simple and not capable of presenting complex messages.

2. Tactons (tactile icons) can be used to represent mobile phone alerts and communicate multi-dimensional information through standard phone vibration motors.

3. The recognition rate achieved for Tacton's encoding two pieces of information is comparable to results achieved with a high specification transducer, indicating the possibilities offered by standard phone vibration motors for communicating complex information.

Article analysis:




最后,该文章也存在一些宣传内容和偏袒。作者是来自Glasgow大学的Lorna M. Brown教授和来自诺基亚研究中心的Topi Kaaresoja,他们可能会倾向于支持使用Tactons来改善手机提醒。因此,读者需要对这些观点保持警惕,并寻找其他来源的证据和观点。