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Article summary:

1. Cistus ladanifer condensed tannins were able to change the lamb ruminal biohydrogenation, increasing the beneficial fatty acids production.

2. Increasing doses of C. ladanifer condensed tannins extract led to a moderate decrease of volatile fatty acids production, a pronounced depression in microbial odd and branched fatty acids and of dimethyl acetals production, and a minor effect on the biohydrogenation.

3. The ability of C. ladanifer condensed tannins extract to modulate the biohydrogenation was not observed in the present study, suggesting an adaptative response of the microbial population to stress stimuli of condensed tannins and lipid supplementation.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the effects of increasing doses of Cistus ladanifer L. condensed tannins extract on in vitro ruminal fermentation and biohydrogenation. The article is well-written and provides clear evidence for its claims, with data from experiments conducted using an oil supplemented high-concentrate substrate incubated for 24 h with 6 mL of buffered ruminal fluid. The results obtained suggest that increasing doses of C. ladanifer CTs led to a moderate linear decrease (p < 0.001) in volatile fatty acid production, as well as a strong depression in microbial odd and branched fatty acids and dimethyl acetals production, indicating that microbial growth was more inhibited than fermentative and biohydrogenation activities. However, no effect on biohydrogenation was observed in this study, suggesting an adaptative response of the microbial population to stress stimuli from condensed tannins and lipid supplementation.

The article is generally reliable; however there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability:

1) The article does not explore any counterarguments or alternative explanations for its findings;

2) It does not provide any information about possible risks associated with consuming products containing Cistus ladanifer L.;

3) It does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on the positive effects of Cistus ladanifer L.;

4) It does not provide any evidence for its claims; instead it relies solely on data from experiments conducted using an oil supplemented high-concentrate substrate incubated for 24 h with 6 mL of buffered ruminal fluid;

5) It does not address any unexplored points or considerations that could affect its findings;

6) It does not discuss any promotional content related to Cistus ladanifer L.;

7) It does not mention any missing evidence for its claims made;

8) Finally, it does not address any partiality or one-sided reporting related to its findings.