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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the theoretical basis of group standards and corporate standards self-declaration disclosure and supervision system, from a self-regulation perspective.

2. The new Standardization Law contains the basic concept of self-regulation, and establishes a self-regulation system with standard self-declaration disclosure and group standard self-governance as its core.

3. The implementation of the new law has revealed some issues such as insufficient motivation for standard self-declaration disclosure, backward development of group standard operation mechanism, and single means of self-regulation constraint.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy in terms of its content. It provides an in-depth analysis on the theoretical basis of group standards and corporate standards self-declaration disclosure and supervision system from a self-regulation perspective. The author also presents evidence to support their claims, such as citing the new Standardization Law which contains the basic concept of self-regulation, establishing a self-regulation system with standard self-declaration disclosure and group standard self-governance as its core, etc. Furthermore, it also acknowledges potential issues that have been revealed since the implementation of the new law such as insufficient motivation for standard self-declaration disclosure, backward development of group standard operation mechanism, and single means of self-regulation constraint.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in order to make this article more reliable and trustworthy. For example, while it does provide evidence to support its claims, it does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing potential issues related to the implementation of the new law. Additionally, there is no mention or discussion about possible risks associated with implementing these regulations or how they can be mitigated. Finally, there is no indication that any promotional content has been included in this article which could potentially bias readers’ opinions on this topic.