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America’s Deadliest Beaches
Source: travellens.co
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Article summary:

1. New Smyrna Beach in Florida has been named the deadliest beach in the US with a danger score of 8.14/10.

2. Panama City Beach in Florida is the most dangerous beach for surfing, with 24 surf zone fatalities since 2010.

3. New Smyrna Beach in Florida has had 32 shark attacks since 2010, more than any other US beach.

Article analysis:

The article “America’s Deadliest Beaches” provides an overview of the most dangerous beaches in the United States based on various factors such as fatalities, shark attacks, and hurricanes. The article is written from a factual perspective and provides reliable information about each beach’s danger score and number of fatalities or shark attacks since 2010. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted when reading this article.

First, the article does not provide any information about how these beaches compare to other beaches around the world or even within the United States outside of those listed in the article. This could lead to a one-sided view of which beaches are actually considered to be “deadly” or “dangerous” compared to others that may not have been included in this list. Additionally, there is no mention of any safety measures that can be taken when visiting these beaches or what visitors should do if they encounter a dangerous situation while at one of these beaches.

Furthermore, there is no discussion of any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on why these beaches may not be as dangerous as they are portrayed to be in this article. For example, it could be argued that some of these beaches may have higher numbers of fatalities due to their popularity rather than their actual level of danger. Additionally, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with visiting these beaches such as rip currents or strong waves which could pose a risk even if there are no sharks present.

In conclusion, while this article provides reliable information about which US beaches are considered to be “deadly” or “dangerous” based on certain criteria such as fatalities and shark attacks since 2010, it does not provide an equal representation of both sides nor does it explore any potential counterarguments or alternative perspectives on why these beaches may not actually be as deadly as they appear to be from this article alone.