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Article summary:

1. Definition of a new key-spectrum coined MKSFS and a new entropic index coined MKSFS-FE.

2. Proposal of an integrated framework via MKSFS, MKSFS-FE and statistical properties for dynamic health monitoring and performance degradation assessment.

3. Validation of the proposed framework through eighteen sets of bearing degradation signals.

Article analysis:

The article provides an integrated framework via key-spectrum entropy and statistical properties for bearing dynamic health monitoring and performance degradation assessment. The article is well written and provides a comprehensive overview of the proposed framework, including its theoretical foundation, definition and evaluation of the new HI via key-spectrum entropy, proposal of the integrated framework via MKSFS-FE and statistical properties, validation of the proposed integrated framework, conclusions, declaration of competing interests, acknowledgments, data availability, figures (27) and tables (6).

The article is reliable in terms of its content as it provides detailed information on the proposed framework as well as its validation through eighteen sets of bearing degradation signals. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the authors do not have permission to share data which could limit further research on this topic. Additionally, there is no mention or exploration of counterarguments which could provide more insight into this topic from different perspectives. Furthermore, there is no discussion on possible risks associated with using this proposed framework which should be considered when assessing its reliability.