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Article summary:

1. Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and was predicted by mathematicians before its discovery in 1846.

2. It has an atmosphere made up mostly of molecular hydrogen, atomic helium and methane, and has 14 known moons.

3. Neptune is a frequent stop in pop culture and fiction, appearing in films, cartoons, TV shows, and more.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of Neptune that is generally reliable and trustworthy. The facts presented are accurate and supported by evidence such as images from Voyager 2's flyby of the planet. The article also provides a list of ten need-to-know facts about Neptune which are all accurate and supported by evidence.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided in any way; it presents both sides equally with no promotional content or partiality towards either side. All potential risks associated with Neptune are noted throughout the article, such as its inability to support life as humans know it.

The only potential issue with the trustworthiness of this article is that it does not explore any counterarguments to the points made about Neptune or provide any missing points of consideration for readers to consider when learning about this distant planet. However, this does not significantly detract from the overall reliability of the article as a source of information on Neptune.