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Source: m.zeneszoveg.hu
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Article summary:

1. Massimo Mercelli and the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra will be performing a concert of 20th century music at the Óbudai Társaskör on January 28th.

2. Massimo Mercelli is a renowned Italian flutist who has performed with some of the world's most prestigious musicians and orchestras, including Gidon Kremer, Jurij Bashmet, the Berlin Philharmonic, and the Moscow Chamber Orchestra.

3. The concert will feature works by Italian and Argentinian composers, including Respighi's Old Songs and Dances, Giovanni Sollima's Contrafactus, Astor Piazzolla's The Story of Tango, and Alberto Ginastera's Concerto.

Article analysis:

The article is overall reliable in its content as it provides accurate information about Massimo Mercelli’s upcoming performance with the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra at the Óbudai Társaskör on January 28th. It also provides detailed information about his past performances with other renowned musicians and orchestras around the world. Furthermore, it lists out all of the pieces that will be performed during this particular concert.

However, there are some potential biases in this article that should be noted. For example, it does not provide any information about any other performers or musicians who may be involved in this performance aside from Massimo Mercelli himself. Additionally, while it does mention that this concert is being supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, there is no mention of any other sponsors or supporters for this event which could lead to an incomplete picture of who is actually involved in making this performance possible.

In conclusion, while this article does provide accurate information about Massimo Mercelli’s upcoming performance with the Anima Musicae Chamber Orchestra at the Óbudai Társaskör on January 28th as well as his past performances with other renowned musicians and orchestras around the world, there are some potential biases that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.