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Article summary:

1. Turkey has declared a three-month state of emergency in 10 provinces affected by two devastating earthquakes.

2. The state of emergency allows the government to use public resources to aid in disaster relief and restricts movement to and from emergency zones.

3. There is concern that Erdogan will use his power for his own interests, and that the state of emergency will affect the upcoming elections.

Article analysis:

The article “Will there be political fallout from the earthquake in Turkey?” published by The Star is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides an objective overview of the situation in Turkey following two devastating earthquakes. It presents both sides of the story – those who support the declaration of a state of emergency, as well as those who are concerned about its potential for abuse – while also providing insights into how this could potentially affect future elections in Turkey.

The article does not appear to be biased or one-sided, as it provides a balanced view on the issue by presenting both sides equally. It also includes quotes from experts such as Emre Caliskan, Research Fellow at the Foreign Policy Centre, Sule Ozsoy Boyunsuz, professor of Constitutional Law at Galatasaray University in Istanbul, Nasuh Mahruki, head of AKUT rescue group on Cumhuriyet TV, and Prof. Dr. Necmi Yüzbaşıoğlu, a Professor of Constitutional Law at Galatasaray University in Istanbul which adds credibility to its claims.

The article does not appear to be missing any points or evidence for its claims made; however, it could have explored counterarguments more thoroughly or provided more detail on possible risks associated with declaring a state of emergency in Turkey. Additionally, it could have included more information about how Erdogan's decision to hold elections earlier than usual may affect the outcome of these elections.

In conclusion, this article is generally reliable and trustworthy due to its balanced presentation of both sides of the story and inclusion of expert opinions which add credibility to its claims; however, it could have explored counterarguments more thoroughly or provided more detail on possible risks associated with declaring a state of emergency in Turkey.