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Article summary:

1. This paper provides a systematic review of the literature to shape a proposed research agenda on the topic of supply chain collaboration.

2. The paper suggests investigating SC collaboration as it relates to perceived and real performance, understanding what know-how and commitment a focal firm must make to SC collaboration, and how to successfully navigate collaboration termination.

3. The paper provides insights into gaps in the literature as it pertains to SC collaboration, and offers suggestions for future research in this area.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, providing an extensive overview of the current state of supply chain (SC) collaboration from both scholarly and practical perspectives. It utilizes a systematic review of the literature to shape a proposed research agenda on the topic, while also providing insights into gaps in the literature as it pertains to SC collaboration. The authors provide four specific contributions to the literature, including a holistic graphic depiction of central constructs employed in extant SC collaboration research, an examination of three specific factor areas influencing collaboration, overlooked issues revealed as suggestions for future research in SC collaboration, and a method employed to conduct the systematic literature review which can be used as a blueprint for future researchers performing similar exercises.

The article does not appear to have any biases or one-sided reporting; rather it presents both sides equally by detailing past research while also suggesting potential avenues for future investigation. All claims made are supported by evidence from existing studies or theoretical frameworks presented throughout the article. Furthermore, all points of consideration are explored thoroughly with no missing information or counterarguments left unexplored. There is no promotional content present within the article either; instead it focuses solely on providing an objective overview of past and potential future research related to SC collaborations.

In conclusion, this article is reliable and trustworthy due its comprehensive coverage of past and potential future research related to supply chain collaborations from both scholarly and practical perspectives.