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Article summary:

1. McKinsey & Company has acquired SCM Connections, a leader in technology-enabled supply-chain transformations, to strengthen their expertise in supply-chain strategy, value creation, and growth.

2. The acquisition will enable McKinsey to provide clients with complete transformations from step one to step ten, with no handoffs and complete ownership of impact.

3. The newly integrated team will help clients across industries stand up SCM initiatives with early-phase diagnostics, business-case development, and road mapping.

Article analysis:

The article is overall trustworthy and reliable as it provides detailed information about the acquisition of SCM Connections by McKinsey & Company. It also provides insights into how this acquisition will benefit both companies in terms of providing clients with complete transformations from step one to step ten, with no handoffs and complete ownership of impact. Furthermore, it mentions how the newly integrated team will help clients across industries stand up SCM initiatives with early-phase diagnostics, business-case development, and road mapping.

The article does not appear to have any biases or partiality as it presents both sides equally and does not promote either company over the other. It also does not make any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration as all claims are backed up by evidence provided in the article itself. Additionally, there are no unexplored counterarguments or missing evidence for the claims made as all relevant information is provided in detail throughout the article.

In conclusion, this article appears to be trustworthy and reliable as it provides detailed information about the acquisition of SCM Connections by McKinsey & Company without any biases or partiality towards either company.