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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the need for a framework to translate embodied cognition and embodied learning research into effective teaching practices.

2. The authors propose a Translational Learning Sciences Research model with seven goals and four action steps to bridge the gap between theory and practice in education.

3. The model emphasizes the importance of incorporating body-based techniques in teaching and learning, as well as promoting interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, teachers, policy makers, and designers.

Article analysis:

The article "Translating Embodied Cognition for Embodied Learning in the Classroom" by Sheila L. Macrine and Jennifer M. B. Fugate presents a model for translating research on embodied cognition and embodied learning into classroom applications. The authors argue that there is a gap between theoretical knowledge and what K-12 students experience and learn, and that this gap can be bridged through translational research that links cognitive science with pedagogy.

The article provides a brief overview of embodied cognition and embodied learning, highlighting the importance of the body in cognitive processing and the role of action and experience in scaffolding learning. The authors then present their translational research model, which includes seven goals and four major steps.

The first two goals focus on disseminating research findings on embodied cognition and embodied learning, closing the gap between research and application, and vetting low-stakes embodied learning activities as well as those based on more sophisticated technologies such as AR, VR, and mixed reality. The third goal emphasizes collaboration among researchers, teachers, policy makers, and designers to translate this knowledge into validated learning platforms based on EC principles. The final goal is to extract generalized EL principles that can be easily adopted by teachers in the classroom without extensive training.

While the article provides a useful framework for translating research on embodied cognition into classroom applications, it has some potential biases. For example, it assumes that there is a lack of awareness among educators about recent theoretical and empirical evidence in cognitive science, which may not be true for all educators. Additionally, the article focuses primarily on the benefits of embodied cognition without exploring potential risks or limitations.

Furthermore, while the authors acknowledge that there are many theories of EC, they do not explore alternative perspectives or counterarguments to their own model. This may limit the scope of their recommendations for curriculum design and development.

Overall, while the article provides a useful starting point for educators interested in incorporating embodied learning into their classrooms, it would benefit from a more nuanced exploration of potential biases and limitations.