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Article summary:

1. This paper discusses severe risks to food security and nutrition that are linked to ongoing and projected climate change, particularly climate and weather extremes in global warming, drought, flooding, and precipitation.

2. Severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition are those which result, with high likelihood, in pervasive and persistent food insecurity and malnutrition for millions of people, have the potential for cascading effects beyond the food systems, and against which there is limited ability to prevent or fully respond.

3. The paper proposes adaptation options such as institutional management and governance actions that could be taken now to prevent or reduce the severe climate risks to future human food security and nutrition.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its discussion of severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge on this topic by drawing from a range of sources including international agreements, literature reviews, modelling studies, case studies, etc. The authors also provide an analytical framework for assessing the severity of these risks based on criteria such as magnitude of adverse consequences, likelihood of adverse consequences, timing of the risk, and ability to respond to the risk.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. Firstly, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on this issue; instead it focuses solely on presenting evidence for why climate change poses a severe risk to food security and nutrition. Secondly, while it does discuss adaptation options that could be taken now to reduce these risks in future (e.g., institutional management), it does not provide any detailed information about how these measures can be implemented or what resources would be required for their implementation. Finally, while it acknowledges that different contexts may lead to different interpretations of what constitutes a “severe” risk (e.g., local vs global scale), it does not provide any further detail about how this might vary across contexts or how this might affect decision-making around adaptation measures.