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Article summary:

1. 肺腺癌中的微小乳头状模式是预测不良预后的因素,其表现为没有纤维血管核心的乳头状突起。

2. 在肺腺癌中,微小乳头状模式与TNM分期、淋巴侵袭和淋巴结转移相关,并且高比例的微小乳头状模式会导致不良预后。

3. 微小乳头状模式中表面上高表达MUC1,而低表达肺泡表面活性物质A(surfactant apoprotein A)可能是小型肺腺癌患者不良预后的优秀指标。

Article analysis:

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or biases. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be a well-conducted study that provides valuable insights into the prognostic significance of micropapillary patterns in lung adenocarcinoma. The study has a large sample size and uses rigorous methods to analyze the data. The authors also acknowledge some limitations of their study, such as the lack of information on smoking history and genetic mutations.

However, one potential limitation is that the study only focuses on small-size lung adenocarcinoma (< or =3 cm), which may not be representative of all cases of lung adenocarcinoma. Additionally, while the study identifies reduced surfactant apoprotein A expression as an indicator of poor prognosis in micropapillary patterns, it does not provide a clear explanation for why this is the case.

Overall, while there may be some limitations and unanswered questions in this study, it provides important insights into the prognostic significance of micropapillary patterns in lung adenocarcinoma and highlights potential biomarkers for predicting patient outcomes.