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Article summary:

1. NeuroAI is the intersection of AI and neuroscience, but there is no comprehensive survey to define what is and isn't neuroAI.

2. Two whitepapers were released this year to define neuroAI research programmes: one from Doerig et al. (2022) which models the brain with artificial neural networks, and one from Tony Zador et al. which focuses on catalyzing the NeuroAI revolution.

3. 130 publications in neuroAI were published this year, including papers that use AI in an instrumental fashion to study brains, as well as those that import ideas from an outside field to their home field.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the state of neuroAI in 2022, summarizing 130 publications in the field and providing a two-dimensional rubric for classifying different flavours of neuroAI research. The article does not appear to be biased or partial towards any particular point of view; rather, it presents a neutral overview of the current state of research in the field. The author also acknowledges potential limitations in their classification system and encourages readers to provide feedback if they have better ideas.

The article does not appear to contain any unsupported claims or missing points of consideration; however, it could benefit from exploring counterarguments more thoroughly and presenting both sides equally when discussing different approaches to neuroAI research. Additionally, while the article does not contain any promotional content, it could benefit from noting possible risks associated with certain approaches to neuroAI research more explicitly.