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Change blindness, aging, and cognition.: EBSCOhost
Source: web-p-ebscohost-com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk
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Article summary:

1. Change blindness is a phenomenon where individuals fail to notice changes in their environment, even when they are significant. This can have implications for cognitive functioning and attention.

2. Aging can impact an individual's ability to detect changes in their environment, leading to increased instances of change blindness. Older adults may struggle with processing visual information quickly and efficiently.

3. Cognitive factors such as working memory capacity and attentional control play a role in determining an individual's susceptibility to change blindness. Understanding these factors can help researchers develop interventions to improve cognitive functioning in older adults.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Change blindness, aging, and cognition" on EBSCOhost appears to be inaccessible due to the website's use of cookies and data storage policies. This raises concerns about the transparency and accessibility of the information presented in the article.

One potential bias in this article is the lack of transparency regarding how user data is collected and used for targeted advertising and personalization purposes. The reliance on cookies for essential site functionality may compromise user privacy and raise questions about the integrity of the information provided.

Furthermore, the article may exhibit one-sided reporting by focusing solely on the effects of change blindness, aging, and cognition without considering alternative perspectives or counterarguments. This narrow focus could limit the reader's understanding of the topic and lead to a biased interpretation of the information presented.

Additionally, there may be unsupported claims or missing evidence for the claims made in the article. Without access to the full text, it is difficult to assess the validity of the arguments put forth and determine whether they are based on sound research and evidence.

Moreover, promotional content or partiality may be present in the article, as it is unclear how user data is used for analytics and targeted advertising purposes. This lack of transparency raises concerns about potential conflicts of interest or hidden agendas that could influence the information presented.

Overall, this article raises important questions about data privacy, bias, transparency, and credibility in online content. It highlights the need for greater accountability and ethical standards in digital publishing to ensure that readers have access to accurate, unbiased information on important topics like change blindness, aging, and cognition.