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Source: lenovo.ilive.cn
Appears strongly imbalanced

Article summary:

1. A video list of four different stories is presented, each with 10 million views.

2. The first story is about a man whose back is covered in "white ant holes" and his girlfriend who breaks up with him after seeing it.

3. The other three stories involve a man sending an old lover to another man, a defense student taking on bullies, and a boss selling fake tree saplings to villagers.

Article analysis:

The article presents four different stories that have all been viewed 10 million times, suggesting that they are popular and trustworthy sources of information. However, the article does not provide any evidence or sources for these claims, making it difficult to verify their accuracy or trustworthiness. Additionally, the article does not explore any counterarguments or present both sides of the stories equally, which could lead to biased reporting and one-sided perspectives on the topics discussed. Furthermore, there is no indication of potential risks associated with any of the stories presented in the article, which could be important for readers to consider when forming their own opinions on the topics discussed. Finally, some of the stories may contain promotional content that could influence readers’ opinions without them being aware of it. In conclusion, while this article provides interesting stories that have been viewed by many people online, its lack of evidence and exploration into both sides of each story make it difficult to assess its trustworthiness and reliability.