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Article summary:

1. This paper presents a virtual environment for training naval personnel, which is designed to improve the quality and reduce the cost of training.

2. The virtual environment consists of a 3D ship model, an application program, and networking code that can include multiple participants.

3. Participants can interact in the same virtual ship to combat casualties such as fuel oil leaks, main space fires, and steam ruptures.

Article analysis:

This paper presents a Virtual Environment for Training (VET) as a solution to improve the quality and reduce the cost of naval personnel training. The paper does not provide any information on funding sources or participant count, which could be potential sources of bias in the study results. Additionally, there is no mention of preregistration or intent-to-treat analysis which could affect the reliability of the results presented in this paper. Furthermore, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with using this VET system or any counterarguments that may exist against its use. Finally, while McDowell et al.'s work has been cited by other papers, there are no mentions of methodological flaws in their work which could indicate that it is not being critically evaluated by other researchers.