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Article summary:

1. Innovation capability is the potential to create novel and valuable products or knowledge, and is central to small businesses aiming to compete with larger competitors.

2. Empirical evidence on innovation capability in small business context has been studied in two paths: determinants of innovation capability and consequences on innovation capability.

3. There is a need for a systematic review of the literature on innovation capability in small business context, as it has been found to be a multi-faceted construct that differs among small and large firms.

Article analysis:

The article "Innovation capability in SMEs: A systematic review of the literature" provides a comprehensive overview of the existing research on innovation capability in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The article is well-structured, with clear sections that outline the research approach, findings, and conclusions. However, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider.

One potential bias is that the article only focuses on peer-reviewed journal articles from Scopus database. While this approach may ensure high-quality sources, it also limits the scope of the review. The authors acknowledge this limitation but do not provide a clear rationale for why they chose to exclude other types of publications such as working papers or conference papers.

Another potential bias is that the article primarily focuses on innovation capability as a process rather than an outcome. While both conceptualizations are important, it would have been useful to see more discussion on how innovation outcomes (such as new products or services) relate to innovation capability in SMEs.

The article also lacks discussion on potential counterarguments or limitations to the studies reviewed. For example, while some studies suggest that leadership is a key factor in enhancing innovation capability in SMEs, others may argue that other factors such as access to funding or market opportunities may be equally important.

Additionally, while the article provides a good overview of different dimensions of innovation capability (such as learning capabilities or marketing capabilities), it does not provide much insight into how these dimensions interact with each other or how they vary across different industries or contexts.

Overall, while "Innovation capability in SMEs: A systematic review of the literature" provides a useful summary of existing research on innovation capability in SMEs, there are some potential biases and limitations to consider. Future research could build upon this review by exploring these issues further and providing more nuanced insights into how innovation capability can be enhanced in different contexts.