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Article summary:

1. Core Calmfidence is an inner state of serene composure, charged with self-confidence that comes from within.

2. Nell, a self-leadership trainer, coach and author helps people to find their inner creative states which are independent of anything or anyone else.

3. The Core Calmfidence Academy provides a self-guidance program to cultivate inner strength and stability, reduce stress and unwanted feelings, habits or thoughts, and develop better relationships with oneself and others.

Article analysis:

The article “Core Calmfidence Inside Out” is overall trustworthy and reliable in its content. It provides a clear definition of what Core Calmfidence is and how it can be achieved through the Core Calmfidence Academy program offered by Nell, a self-leadership trainer, coach and author. The article also includes testimonials from clients who have experienced positive results from working with Nell. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, the article does not provide any counterarguments or explore any risks associated with the program or working with Nell as a coach/trainer/author. Additionally, the article does not present both sides equally; instead it focuses solely on promoting the benefits of working with Nell and her program without providing any other perspectives on the topic.