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Article summary:

1. Elon Musk declared that eliminating child sexual exploitation was a top priority for Twitter, but the New York Times reported that videos of child rape were still widely circulated on the platform.

2. Twitter Korea responded to criticism by claiming they had suspended 300,000 accounts in the first month after Musk's acquisition and had taken more aggressive measures to crack down on searches for sexual exploitation.

3. Despite these efforts, it is still easy to find accounts selling images and videos of sexual exploitation, and posts are only deleted after repeated reports.

Article analysis:

The article “아동 성착취물 근절 최우선 과제” 트위터의 ‘말뿐인’ 약속[플랫] - 경향신문” provides an overview of the issue of child sexual exploitation on Twitter and the steps taken by Twitter Korea to address it. The article is generally reliable in its reporting, as it cites sources such as Elon Musk and Ella Irwin from Twitter, as well as the Canadian Center for Child Protection. However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted. For example, while the article does mention some of the steps taken by Twitter Korea to address child sexual exploitation on their platform, it does not provide any evidence or data to support their claims that these efforts have been successful or effective in reducing this type of content. Additionally, while the article mentions some of the challenges faced by those trying to combat this issue (such as algorithms promoting content), it does not explore any potential solutions or counterarguments that could be used to address these issues. Finally, while the article does mention some of the risks associated with this type of content being available on social media platforms such as Twitter, it does not provide any information about how users can protect themselves from encountering this type of content or what they can do if they do encounter it. In conclusion, while this article provides a general overview of child sexual exploitation on Twitter and some steps taken by Twitter Korea to address it, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that should be noted when evaluating its trustworthiness and reliability.