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Article summary:

1. This article explores the mechanical mechanisms behind the formation of fracture systems at the top of magmatic intrusions in porphyry ore deposits.

2. A thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled two-dimensional plane strain finite element model was developed to simulate the evolution of temperature, stress, strain, and pore fluid pressure as well as the formation of fractures around magmatic intrusions.

3. The results showed that differential or deviatoric stresses concentrated around the intrusion due to thermal effects from columnar high-temperature magma, leading to the development of vein-like fracture systems at the top of intrusions and fractures in contact zones with surrounding rocks.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy. It provides a detailed description of its research methodology and presents its findings clearly and concisely. The authors have also provided a comprehensive discussion on their results and how they relate to existing theories on porphyry ore deposits. Furthermore, they have included references to relevant literature throughout their paper, which adds credibility to their claims.

However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, while the authors discuss possible counterarguments to their findings, they do not explore them in depth or provide evidence for why these arguments may not be valid in this particular case. Additionally, while they cite relevant literature throughout their paper, it is mostly from Chinese sources which could lead to a bias towards Chinese perspectives on this topic rather than an international perspective.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy but there are some potential biases that should be taken into consideration when interpreting its findings.