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Article summary:

1. Super-Earths are the most abundant planets in the Galaxy and have masses that typically exceed that of the Earth by a factor of a few.

2. This article proposes a theoretical picture for rocky planet formation that satisfies constraints on super-Earths: building upon recent work, it suggests that super-Earths originate inside rings of silicate-rich planetesimals at approximately ~1 AU.

3. Numerical simulations demonstrate that synthetic planetary systems bear a close resemblance to compact, multi-resonant progenitors of the observed population of short-period extrasolar planets.

Article analysis:

The article is written by two authors with expertise in the field, and is accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy, which adds to its credibility. The article provides detailed information about the proposed theory for rocky planet formation and includes numerical simulations to support its claims. However, there are some potential biases present in the article. For example, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative theories to explain the formation of super-Earths; instead, it focuses solely on its own proposed theory without considering other possibilities. Additionally, there is no discussion of possible risks associated with this theory or any potential drawbacks or limitations. Furthermore, while the authors provide evidence for their claims, they do not provide any evidence against them or explore any unexplored counterarguments. Finally, there is some promotional content present in the article as well; for example, they emphasize how their model “satisfies constraints” and “bear[s] a close resemblance” to observed populations without providing further details or evidence to back up these claims.