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Article summary:

1. The article provides a systematic overview of methods used to investigate inattentional blindness, highlighting the increasing research effort and variety of paradigms over the past 20 years.

2. The review focuses on methodological aspects, emphasizing the importance of understanding the limitations and opportunities in using different paradigms to study inattentional blindness.

3. A total of 129 full-text articles containing 219 experiments were included in the review, with detailed characteristics, methodological aspects, and categorization variables provided for each study.

Article analysis:

The article provides a systematic overview of methods used to investigate inattentional blindness, focusing on the first 20 years of research on this phenomenon. The authors highlight the increasing research effort and variety of paradigms used to study inattentional blindness, with a specific emphasis on methodological aspects. They aim to create awareness of the potentials and problems that arise from the growing variety of methods and advocate for a deliberate use of future paradigms to improve the transferability of research findings to real-world situations.

One potential bias in the article is the exclusion criteria used for study selection. While it is important to have clear inclusion criteria, some studies may have been excluded based on strict criteria that could have provided valuable insights into inattentional blindness. For example, excluding studies that did not measure conscious perception of unexpected stimuli in a binary fashion may have limited the scope of the review and potentially biased the results towards certain types of experiments.

Additionally, the article focuses solely on methodological aspects and does not consider other factors that may influence inattentional blindness, such as individual differences or cognitive processes. By narrowing the focus to methods, important nuances and complexities related to inattentional blindness may have been overlooked.

The article also lacks discussion on potential limitations or biases within the included studies themselves. It would be beneficial to address any methodological flaws or biases present in the experiments reviewed, as this could impact the validity and reliability of their findings.

Furthermore, while the article aims to promote a deliberate use of future paradigms for studying inattentional blindness, it does not provide concrete recommendations or guidelines for researchers. A more detailed discussion on best practices for designing experiments on inattentional blindness would enhance the practical utility of this review.

Overall, while the article provides a comprehensive overview of methods used to investigate inattentional blindness, there are potential biases related to study selection criteria, lack of consideration for other influencing factors, and limited discussion on limitations within included studies. Addressing these issues would strengthen the overall quality and relevance of the review.