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Article summary:

1. Strategic planners create business strategies for organizations and analyze goals, objectives, and market trends.

2. Key skills for strategic planners include analytical, communication, leadership, problem-solving, critical thinking, research, marketing, business development, and information technology skills.

3. To improve strategic planning skills, individuals can practice understanding the big picture, take courses or find a mentor, focus on asking the right questions and listening skills. In job applications and interviews, highlighting relevant skills is important.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Strategic Planner Skills: Definition and Examples" provides a comprehensive overview of the skills required to be successful in a strategic planning role. The article is well-structured, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy to navigate. However, there are some potential biases and missing points of consideration that need to be addressed.

One potential bias in the article is that it assumes that all strategic planners work in the same way. While there are certainly common skills and duties among strategic planners, different organizations may have different expectations for their strategic planning roles. For example, some organizations may require more emphasis on data analysis, while others may prioritize communication skills.

Another potential bias is that the article focuses primarily on the skills needed for entry-level or mid-level strategic planning roles. There is little discussion of the skills needed for senior-level positions or for those who aspire to become chief strategy officers. This could be a limitation for readers who are interested in advancing their careers in this field.

The article also makes some unsupported claims about the importance of certain skills. For example, it suggests that problem-solving skills are essential for all strategic planners without providing evidence to support this claim. While problem-solving is certainly an important skill for many strategic planning roles, it may not be as critical for others.

There are also some missing points of consideration in the article. For example, there is little discussion of the importance of cultural competence or diversity and inclusion skills in strategic planning roles. Given the increasing emphasis on these issues in many organizations today, this could be an important area for readers to explore further.

Additionally, while the article provides examples of key skills needed by strategic planners, it does not explore counterarguments or alternative perspectives on these skills. For example, some experts might argue that creativity is overemphasized in many discussions of strategic planning and that other skills such as critical thinking or emotional intelligence are equally important.

Overall, while "Strategic Planner Skills: Definition and Examples" provides a useful overview of key skills needed by those working in this field, readers should approach it with a critical eye and consider additional sources to gain a more complete understanding of what it takes to succeed as a strategic planner.