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Article summary:

1. The Associated Press (AP) and Reuters recently fact-checked the concept of "mass formation psychosis," which was mentioned by virologist Dr. Robert Malone in an interview with Joe Rogan. Both fact checks excluded voices that support the concept, leading to accusations of media bias.

2. The fact checks committed bias by omission and slant, as they cherry-picked information to support one side and did not include alternative perspectives. They also attempted to fact-check a subjective concept that lacks clear evidence for a factual finding.

3. The article argues that fact checks should present all sides of an issue to build trust and allow readers to decide for themselves. It suggests that some fact checks are crafted to support political agendas rather than providing balanced depictions of the truth.

Article analysis:

The article titled "Media Bias Alert: AP and Reuters’ One-Sided Fact Checks on 'Mass Formation Psychosis'" from AllSides discusses recent fact checks conducted by the Associated Press (AP) and Reuters on the concept of "mass formation psychosis." The author argues that these fact checks exhibit media bias through bias by omission, slant, and attempting to fact-check a subjective concept. The article claims that AP and Reuters only quoted psychologists who reject the concept, while omitting voices that support it. It also suggests that fact checkers may have discredited the opinion due to its political angle.

One potential bias in the article is its reliance on AllSides' own bias ratings to determine the political leanings of AP and Reuters. While AllSides provides a useful tool for understanding media bias, it is important to critically evaluate their assessments as well. Additionally, the article does not provide evidence or examples of how AP and Reuters have exhibited bias in their fact checks beyond quoting psychologists who reject the concept.

The article also makes unsupported claims about mass psychology and group delusion without providing sufficient evidence or counterarguments. It mentions other psychologists who have explored similar concepts but fails to engage with any opposing viewpoints or research that may challenge or question these ideas. This one-sided reporting undermines the credibility of the argument being presented.

Furthermore, the article suggests that fact checkers should have included quotes from proponents of mass formation psychosis, such as Mattias Desmet, to provide balance. However, it does not acknowledge that Desmet's views are not widely accepted within the scientific community and may be considered fringe or lacking empirical evidence. By presenting his perspective without critical analysis or scrutiny, the article promotes an unbalanced view of the topic.

The article also raises concerns about fact-checking being used to support political agendas but fails to provide concrete examples or evidence of this occurring in relation to AP and Reuters' fact checks on mass formation psychosis. It relies on the opinions of Dr. Robert Malone, who has made controversial statements about COVID-19 and vaccination, without critically examining his claims or providing counterarguments.

Overall, the article exhibits biases through cherry-picking evidence, promoting unsupported claims, omitting counterarguments, and presenting a one-sided view of the topic. It fails to provide a comprehensive analysis of the fact checks conducted by AP and Reuters and does not engage with opposing viewpoints or research.