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Article summary:

1. This study examines how the voices of different social classes have been represented and expressed in Chinese social media over the past decade.

2. The results demonstrate that online discussion in China’s social media has displayed a trend for “discourse involution,” where the increasing appropriation of the Internet among different social classes results in a continued divide of the discursive power in cyberspace.

3. This discourse involution is achieved through asymmetry of discursive expression, centralization of voice representation, and polarization in emotional expression online.

Article analysis:

The article “Toward Discourse Involution within China’s Internet: Class, Voice, and Social Media” by Ping Sun et al., published in 2022, is an informative and well-researched piece on the topic of discourse involution within China’s internet. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of their research findings and draw meaningful conclusions from them.

The article is reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence to support its claims with references to relevant studies conducted by other scholars. Additionally, the authors provide a thorough review of literature related to their topic which further adds to its credibility. Furthermore, they present both sides of the argument equally without any bias or partiality towards one side or another.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon such as providing more detailed information about the methods used for data collection and analysis as well as exploring counterarguments more thoroughly. Additionally, there could be more focus on potential risks associated with discourse involution within China’s internet such as censorship or surveillance which could limit freedom of speech or lead to privacy violations.

In conclusion, this article is overall reliable and trustworthy but could benefit from further exploration into potential risks associated with discourse involution within China’s internet as well as providing more detailed information about data collection methods used for this study.