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1. Texas-Mexico border-crossing students face numerous challenges that hinder their academic success, including language barriers, immigration status, racism or discrimination, and limited access to information. These challenges are exacerbated by high poverty rates, a high concentration of economically disadvantaged students, and a high percentage of English learners in the region.

2. Schools along the Texas-Mexico border differ significantly from non-border schools, but even within the border area, there can be significant variation between school districts. The demographic characteristics of school districts have a greater impact on students' academic performance than the physical location of the district. Therefore, it is important to compare academic achievement between border and non-border school districts with similar demographic characteristics.

3. Using a propensity score matching technique, this study examines and compares the academic performance of border and non-border school district students in reading, math, and science on a state-mandated standardized test (STAAR). The findings suggest that students in border school districts generally show lower academic performance compared to their peers in non-border school districts.

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