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Article summary:

1. In 1908, three science fiction novels were published in China, Germany and Britain predicting a future battle between yellow and white.

2. The Yellow Peril Theory originated from Kaiser Wilhelm II during the Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War.

3. The novels described a world where China had become the top power, overseas Chinese had seized control of the Panama Canal, and Japan had invaded the US West Coast.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its reporting of historical events such as the death of Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu, the coup d'etat by the Young Turks, and the first celebration of Mother's Day. However, it is important to note that there are some potential biases present in this article which could affect its trustworthiness.

First, there is a lack of evidence for some of the claims made in this article. For example, while it is stated that “Yellow originally represented ‘middle’ in ancient books”, no evidence or sources are provided to back up this claim. Additionally, while it is mentioned that “the concept of race warfare had risen in both China and Japan” during this time period, no further information or sources are provided to support this statement either.

Second, there is a lack of counterarguments presented in this article which could lead to one-sided reporting on certain topics. For example, while it is mentioned that “the Yellow Peril Theory originated from Kaiser Wilhelm II” during certain wars between China and Japan/Russia respectively, no counterarguments or opposing views are presented which could provide more insight into why these theories were created or how they were received by other countries at the time.

Finally, there is also potential promotional content present in this article as well as partiality towards certain points of view which could affect its trustworthiness. For example, while it is mentioned that “the overseas Chinese in Panama responded to the yellow-white confrontation and seized the canal” without any mention of possible risks associated with such an action or any exploration into why they chose to do so; similarly when discussing Jack London's novel "Yellow Peril", only positive aspects are discussed without any mention of possible criticisms or flaws associated with his work either.

In conclusion, while this article does provide some useful information about historical events occurring during 1908 such as the death of Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu as well as three science fiction novels predicting a future battle between yellow and white; there are still some potential biases present which could affect its trustworthiness such as lack of evidence for certain claims made within it as well as lack of counterarguments presented for certain topics discussed within it along with potential promotional content present throughout it which should be taken into consideration when reading through this article.