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Article summary:

1. Feature selection is an important step in pattern recognition, machine learning and data mining.

2. Feature selection can be divided into two types: wrapper and filter based on different criteria.

3. This paper proposes a feature selection method of individual feature ranking to select a subset of features simultaneously based on FDA and F-score for multi-class datasets.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in the field of feature selection, particularly focusing on the use of FDA and F-score for multi-class classification. The authors provide a clear explanation of the different types of feature selection methods, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The article also presents a novel approach to feature selection that combines FDA and F-score for multi-class classification, which could potentially improve accuracy in certain applications.

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy, as it provides an unbiased overview of existing research in the field, as well as presenting a new approach to feature selection that has not been explored before. The authors provide evidence to support their claims throughout the article, citing relevant studies from other researchers in the field. Furthermore, they present both sides of the argument when discussing different approaches to feature selection, allowing readers to make up their own minds about which approach is best suited for their particular application.

The only potential issue with this article is that it does not explore any possible risks associated with using FDA and F-score for multi-class classification. While this may not be an issue in some applications, it could be important to consider any potential risks before implementing this approach in certain contexts where accuracy is critical (e.g., medical diagnosis).