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Article summary:

1. Non-material cultural heritage is an active and intangible form of culture.

2. Urbanization has caused some non-material cultural heritage to become incompatible with the times and gradually disappear.

3. This article explores ways to integrate non-material cultural heritage into university education in order to promote its preservation and transmission.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the topic of integrating non-material cultural heritage into university education. The author presents a clear argument for why this integration is necessary, citing the threat posed by urbanization to non-material cultural heritage as well as the potential for educational resources to be used to promote its preservation and transmission. The article also provides evidence for its claims, such as research studies on the topic, which adds credibility to its arguments.

However, there are some areas where the article could be improved upon. For example, while it does provide evidence for its claims, it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the issue. Additionally, while it does discuss potential risks associated with integrating non-material cultural heritage into university education, it does not provide any concrete solutions or strategies for mitigating these risks. Finally, while the article does present both sides of the issue fairly equally, it could benefit from providing more detailed information about each side in order to give readers a better understanding of both perspectives on the issue.