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Article summary:

1. Russian troops in Ukraine have been issued new orders, including a ban on the use of modern technology and drones for artillery and reconnaissance purposes.

2. Many soldiers are unhappy with these changes, sharing their complaints on Telegram channels.

3. The new commander has also imposed regulations such as requiring troops to shave and wear uniforms, as well as handing over personal four-wheel drive vehicles to the Ministry of Defense.

Article analysis:

This article provides an overview of the new orders issued by the Russian commander in Ukraine, which include a ban on modern technology and drones for artillery and reconnaissance purposes, as well as regulations such as requiring troops to shave and wear uniforms, and handing over personal four-wheel drive vehicles to the Ministry of Defense. The article is based on reports from Telegram channels run by Russian correspondents, so it is difficult to assess its trustworthiness or reliability without further evidence or sources. It is possible that some of the claims made in the article may be biased or one-sided due to the lack of counterarguments or alternative perspectives presented. Additionally, there is no evidence provided for some of the claims made in the article, such as why Moscow needs four-wheel drive vehicles for military operations. Furthermore, there is no mention of any potential risks associated with these new orders or how they might affect morale among Russian troops in Ukraine. In conclusion, this article does not appear to be particularly reliable or trustworthy due to its lack of evidence and exploration of both sides of the issue.