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Article summary:

1. Comedian John Oliver successfully campaigned for the pūteketeke to win New Zealand's Bird of the Century contest, beating the iconic kiwi.

2. The annual event, usually called Bird of the Year, was renamed Bird of the Century to mark Forest and Bird's 100th anniversary.

3. Oliver's campaign overwhelmed vote checkers in New Zealand, causing a two-day delay in announcing the winning bird.

Article analysis:

The article titled "New Zealand's Bird of the Century is TV Star's Favorite" discusses how comedian John Oliver successfully campaigned for the pūteketeke to win New Zealand's Bird of the Century contest. The article provides a brief overview of the campaign and highlights that Oliver's choice beat the iconic national bird, the kiwi.

One potential bias in this article is its focus on John Oliver and his campaign, rather than providing a more balanced view of the contest and its significance. The article portrays Oliver as a foreign interferer who overwhelmed vote checkers in New Zealand, which could be seen as a negative portrayal. This bias may stem from the fact that the article is sourced from Engoo Daily News, which appears to be an English language learning platform rather than a news outlet with a reputation for unbiased reporting.

Additionally, the article does not provide much information about why Oliver chose the pūteketeke as his preferred bird or why it was able to beat out the kiwi. It mentions that Oliver launched a humorous campaign on his HBO show Last Week Tonight, but it does not delve into any specific arguments or reasons for his choice. This lack of evidence and analysis weakens the overall credibility of the article.

Furthermore, there are missing points of consideration in this article. It does not discuss any potential criticisms or controversies surrounding Oliver's campaign or the voting process. It also fails to mention any other notable birds that were contenders in the contest or provide information about their conservation status. These omissions limit readers' understanding of the broader context and significance of this event.

Overall, this article lacks depth and balance in its reporting. It focuses primarily on John Oliver's campaign without providing sufficient evidence or analysis to support its claims. The biases present in this article, along with its one-sided reporting and missing points of consideration, undermine its credibility as an informative piece of journalism.