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Article summary:

1. Moldova's President Maia Sandu has named Dorin Recean as the country's prime minister-designate after Natalia Gavrilita unexpectedly resigned.

2. Recean will have 15 days to form a new government and his main focus will be to introduce “order and discipline” in Moldova's institutions, breathe new life into the economy and ensure peace and stability.

3. Gavrilita’s premiership was marked by a long string of problems, including an acute energy crisis after Moscow dramatically reduced supplies to Moldova and skyrocketing inflation in the wake of Russia's invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

Article analysis:

This article is generally reliable, as it provides accurate information about the current situation in Moldova, including the naming of Dorin Recean as Prime Minister-designate, Natalia Gavrilita’s resignation, and the various crises that have been faced during her tenure. The article also provides quotes from both President Maia Sandu and Gavrilita herself which adds credibility to the story.

However, there are some potential biases present in this article which should be noted. Firstly, there is a lack of exploration into counterarguments or alternative perspectives on the issues discussed in this article. For example, while it is mentioned that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused skyrocketing inflation in Moldova, there is no discussion of any other possible causes for this inflation or any other potential solutions to address it. Additionally, while it is mentioned that Gavrilita took over with an anti-corruption mandate at a time when corruption schemes had captured all institutions, there is no discussion of what these corruption schemes were or who was responsible for them.

In conclusion, while this article does provide accurate information about the current situation in Moldova and includes quotes from relevant sources which add credibility to its claims, there are some potential biases present which should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability.