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Article summary:

1. The 'streetlight effect' is when decisions are made based on data availability, as it reduces uncertainty and guides exploration.

2. The streetlight effect can lead to incremental gains that are too small to make a difference, and can prevent people from exploring more creative solutions.

3. To be more successful, innovative, and creative, it is important to look beyond the data available and explore what could be done instead of what should be done.

Article analysis:

The article “Want to Be More Creative, Innovative, and Successful? Avoid the Dreaded 'Streetlight Effect'” by Inc.com is generally reliable in its content but may have some potential biases or one-sided reporting. The article provides an interesting perspective on how relying solely on data can limit creativity and innovation in decision making processes. It also provides an example of how looking beyond the data available can lead to more creative solutions that may not have been considered otherwise.

The article does not provide any evidence for its claims or counterarguments for its points of view which could weaken its reliability somewhat. Additionally, there is no mention of possible risks associated with looking beyond the data available which could be seen as a missing point of consideration in the article. Furthermore, while the article does provide an example of how looking beyond the data available can lead to more creative solutions, it does not explore any other potential benefits or drawbacks associated with this approach which could be seen as a missed opportunity for further exploration into this topic.

In conclusion, while the article “Want to Be More Creative, Innovative, and Successful? Avoid the Dreaded 'Streetlight Effect'” by Inc.com provides an interesting perspective on how relying solely on data can limit creativity and innovation in decision making processes, it lacks evidence for its claims and fails to explore any other potential benefits or drawbacks associated with this approach which weakens its overall trustworthiness and reliability somewhat.