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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the use of 5-ALA in glioma surgery and its FDA approval.

2. The article cites 134 records and has been highly cited.

3. It includes information on the authors, keywords, MESH heading, registry, and substance used in the research.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides detailed information on the authors, keywords, MESH heading, registry, and substance used in the research. Furthermore, it has been highly cited with 134 records citing it which indicates that it is a well-respected source of information on this topic. However, there are some potential biases to consider when reading this article such as one-sided reporting or partiality towards certain points of view or opinions. Additionally, there could be missing evidence for some of the claims made or unexplored counterarguments that could provide a more balanced perspective on the topic discussed in the article. Furthermore, there may be promotional content present which could lead to an overly positive view of 5-ALA and its FDA approval for glioma surgery without noting any possible risks associated with its use. Therefore, readers should take these potential biases into consideration when reading this article to ensure they are getting a balanced view of the topic discussed.