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Article summary:

1. Vivianite formation is a complex process and is influenced by various factors.

2. Phosphorus recovery as vivianite contributes to the sustainable use of P with high value.

3. The potential to recover vivianite from wastewater in WWTPs is great, but more research is required for efficient vivianite recovery from wastewater.

Article analysis:

The article “Potentials and Challenges of Phosphorus Recovery as Vivianite from Wastewater: A Review” provides an overview of the potential for phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The article presents a comprehensive review of the chemistry of vivianite, including its characteristics, formation process, and influencing factors. Additionally, the article examines the potential economic value and engineering feasibility of phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater.

The article appears to be well-researched and unbiased in its presentation of information on phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater. The authors provide a thorough overview of the chemistry of vivianite, including its characteristics, formation process, and influencing factors. Additionally, they present an analysis of the potential economic value and engineering feasibility of phosphorus recovery as vivianite from wastewater. Furthermore, they acknowledge that further research is needed to improve this technique in the future.

The only potential bias in this article may be that it does not explore any counterarguments or alternative methods for phosphorus recovery from wastewater treatment plants. However, given that this is a review article rather than an argumentative piece, this lack of exploration does not detract significantly from its overall trustworthiness or reliability.