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Article summary:

1. Three multi-branched organic dyes were designed and synthesized with dipolar, V-shaped, and octupolar geometries to promote photocatalytic hydrogen evolution.

2. The interactions between the dye and polymeric carbon nitride (PCN) can be optimized by multiple anchoring units and defect filling effect, resulting in enhanced PHE performance.

3. The highest PHE rate of 996.9 μmol h−1 was achieved by octupolar dye, which is over 40-folders that of PCN/Pt (24.8 μmol h−1).

Article analysis:

This article provides a detailed overview of the design and synthesis of three multi-branched organic dyes for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution (PHE). The authors provide evidence for their claims through experimental results, theoretical calculations, and characterization techniques such as XPS, SEM, TEM, UV–Vis DRS, photoluminescence spectra and lifetimes at solid state, nitrogen adsorption−desorption isotherms, water contact angle measurements, photoelectrochemical measurements and photocatalytic tests. The authors also discuss the potential applications of these dyes in PHE systems.

The article is generally reliable in terms of its content; however there are some areas where it could be improved upon. For example, the authors do not provide any information on possible risks associated with using these dyes in PHE systems or any potential side effects that may arise from their use. Additionally, the authors do not explore any counterarguments or present both sides equally when discussing the potential applications of these dyes in PHE systems. Furthermore, there is no discussion on how these dyes compare to other existing materials used for PHE systems or how they might be further improved upon in future research efforts.

In conclusion, this article provides a comprehensive overview of the design and synthesis of three multi-branched organic dyes for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution; however it could benefit from more discussion on potential risks associated with their use as well as exploring counterarguments and presenting both sides equally when discussing their potential applications in PHE systems.