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Article summary:

1. The article proposes OmniReduce, an efficient streaming aggregation system that exploits sparsity to maximize effective bandwidth use by sending only non-zero data blocks.

2. The proposed system accelerates distributed training by up to 8.2x and even at 100 Gbps, it delivers 1.4--2.9x better performance for network-bottlenecked DNNs.

3. The article also discusses the advantages of using sparse communication for distributed gradient descent and quantization, sparsification, and local computations for distributed SGD.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in its claims and provides evidence to support them through references to other research papers and studies conducted in the field of distributed deep learning. However, there are some potential biases present in the article which could be explored further. For example, the authors focus mainly on the benefits of their proposed system without exploring any potential risks or drawbacks associated with it. Additionally, they do not provide any counterarguments or alternative solutions that could be used instead of their proposed system. Furthermore, there is a lack of discussion regarding possible ethical implications of using such a system in terms of privacy and security concerns which should be addressed as well. Finally, the article does not present both sides equally as it focuses mainly on promoting their own solution without providing enough information about other existing solutions or approaches that could be used instead.