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Article summary:

1. Renal clearance is often viewed as a passive process, but filtered nanoparticles can actively interact with renal tubules, particularly proximal tubules (PTs), which play a central role in the active uptake, reabsorption and metabolism of filtered substances.

2. Endocytosed nanoparticles are eliminated by PTECs through an organelle-extrusion-mediated self-renewal mechanism, involving endocytosis, biotransformation in the endosomes/lysosomes and cellular elimination through organelle extrusion on the luminal membrane of PTs.

3. PTECs directly eject entire gold-containing lysosomes/endosomes along with other organelles into the proximal tubular lumen to form extruded vesicles, representing a nanoparticle-elimination mechanism distinct from those membrane-fusion-mediated.

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