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Article summary:

1. This paper explores the experience of improvisation in organizations, conceptualizing it as a creative process.

2. Improvisation is experienced by people in organizations as both exhilarating and fearful, and often normatively discouraged.

3. The implications of this experience for research and practice of improvisation and creativity in organizations are discussed, with a proposed research agenda for the experience of improvising in organizations.

Article analysis:

The article provides an overview of the experience of improvisation in organizations from a creative process perspective. It draws on scholarly accounts to compare and contrast the experience of improvising in organizations with that in the performing arts. The article is well-researched, providing evidence from prior studies to support its claims. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article focuses primarily on positive outcomes associated with improvisation, such as generating novel solutions or responding to unforeseen problems or opportunities; however, it does not explore potential negative outcomes associated with improvisation, such as undermining coordination or inhibiting long-term learning. Additionally, while the article discusses factors that facilitate effective improvisation (e.g., minimal structures), it does not discuss potential barriers to successful improvisation (e.g., lack of resources). Finally, while the article proposes a research agenda for understanding the experience of improvising in organizations, it does not provide any concrete suggestions for how practitioners can use this knowledge to improve their own practices or foster creativity within their organization.