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工艺 AI 助手
Source: craft.do
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Article summary:

1. Craft AI Assistant is an advanced artificial intelligence tool that can help you write faster, generate ideas, proofread your work, translate text into any language, summarize documents and find information in seconds.

2. Craft AI Assistant utilizes GPT-3, an autoregressive language model built by OpenAI that uses deep learning to understand questions and produce human-like answers and text.

3. Craft AI Assistant is available on all Apple apps for free with limits based on the subscription tier.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the features of Craft AI Assistant and its capabilities. It is clear that the article is promoting the use of this technology as a productivity tool, but it does not provide any evidence or research to back up its claims about the effectiveness of the tool. Additionally, there are no counterarguments presented in the article which could be used to evaluate potential risks associated with using this technology. The article also fails to mention any potential biases or sources of bias that may be present in the data used by Craft AI Assistant. Furthermore, there is no discussion of how this technology might impact privacy or security concerns related to user data. Finally, while the article does mention some limitations based on subscription tiers, it does not provide any details about what those limitations are or how they might affect users’ experience with Craft AI Assistant. In conclusion, while this article provides a good overview of Craft AI Assistant’s features and capabilities, it lacks sufficient detail about potential risks associated with using this technology and fails to provide evidence for its claims about its effectiveness as a productivity tool.