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The biggest pharma merger and acquisition deals of 2019
Source: europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com
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Article summary:

1. The biggest pharma merger and acquisition deals of 2019 included Bristol-Myers Squibb/Celgene for $74 billion, AbbVie/Allergan for $63 billion, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company/Shire for $58.6 billion.

2. These deals aimed to broaden pipelines and improve profit-making capabilities in areas such as oncology, haematology, immunology, and cardiovascular disease.

3. Other notable deals included Danaher Corporation/General Electric Biopharma for $21.4 billion, Amgen/Rights to Otezla for $13.4 billion, and Mylan/Upjohn (a division of Pfizer) for $12 billion.

Article analysis:

The article provides a list of the top 10 pharmaceutical mergers and acquisitions of 2019 based on transaction size. While it presents factual information about each deal, there are several areas where critical analysis is needed.

One potential bias in the article is the focus on transaction size as the main criterion for determining the "biggest" deals. This approach overlooks other important factors such as strategic fit, market impact, and long-term value creation. By solely focusing on transaction size, the article may not provide a comprehensive view of the significance and success of these deals.

Another potential bias is the lack of analysis or discussion about potential risks or challenges associated with these mergers and acquisitions. The article primarily highlights the positive aspects of each deal, such as expanded pipelines and increased revenue opportunities. However, it fails to address potential integration issues, regulatory hurdles, or market competition that could impact the success of these transactions.

Additionally, the article does not provide evidence or sources to support some of its claims. For example, it states that these deals were made to "broaden pipelines and improve profit-making capabilities," but there is no data or analysis provided to back up this assertion. Without supporting evidence, these claims can be seen as unsubstantiated statements.

The article also lacks exploration of counterarguments or alternative perspectives. It presents each deal from the perspective of the acquiring company without considering potential criticisms or concerns raised by industry experts or stakeholders. This one-sided reporting limits a comprehensive understanding of these transactions.

Furthermore, there is a promotional tone throughout the article that emphasizes positive outcomes and benefits without acknowledging any potential drawbacks or challenges. This promotional content raises questions about objectivity and impartiality in reporting.

In conclusion, while the article provides factual information about pharmaceutical mergers and acquisitions in 2019, it lacks critical analysis and balanced reporting. It focuses primarily on transaction size as a measure of success without considering other important factors. The lack of evidence, exploration of counterarguments, and promotional tone further undermine the credibility and objectivity of the article.