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Article summary:

1. Phage therapy has been used as an experimental treatment for multidrug-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MDRSA)-caused skin infections and is considered a promising alternative to antibiotics. However, recent reports suggest that phages can interact with eukaryotic cells, raising concerns about their safety.

2. The study aimed to evaluate the impact of staphylococcal phages on the metabolic condition and membrane integrity of human fibroblasts. It also examined the effectiveness of phages in reducing the number of MDRSA attached to fibroblasts and their influence on cell viability.

3. The results showed that high concentrations of two tested anti-Staphylococcal phages had a negative impact on the viability of human fibroblasts. However, lower concentrations had no effect on cell metabolism or membrane integrity. Additionally, the addition of phages alleviated the negative effects of MDRSA infection on fibroblast viability by effectively reducing bacterial numbers.

Overall, this study contributes to understanding the influence of phage therapy on human cells and highlights the need for further research in this area to ensure its safety and efficacy.

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