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Article summary:

1. The article explores the use of acupuncture and cupping to treat chronic urticaria, based on Xuanfu theory.

2. The etiology and pathogenesis of chronic urticaria is divided into three aspects: wind evil invasion, long-term illness stagnation, and Qi and blood deficiency.

3. Treatment schemes are proposed to expel wind and open Xuan, dispel blood stasis to unblock Xuan, and tonify deficiency and strengthen Xuan.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable in terms of its content as it provides a comprehensive overview of the use of acupuncture and cupping for treating chronic urticaria based on Xuanfu theory. It also provides detailed treatment schemes for each type of etiology or pathogenesis associated with the condition. However, there are some potential biases that should be noted. For example, the article does not explore any possible risks associated with using acupuncture or cupping for treating chronic urticaria, nor does it present both sides equally when discussing the efficacy of these treatments. Additionally, there is no mention of any other alternative treatments that may be available for this condition or any evidence to support the claims made in the article regarding the effectiveness of acupuncture and cupping for treating chronic urticaria. Furthermore, there is no discussion about how these treatments may interact with other medications or therapies that a patient may be taking for their condition. Therefore, while this article provides an informative overview of acupuncture and cupping as potential treatments for chronic urticaria based on Xuanfu theory, readers should take into account these potential biases before making any decisions about their own treatment plans.