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Engage AI
Source: apps.filtpod.com
Appears well balanced

Article summary:

1. Engage AI is asking users to take a short survey to help them understand how they can improve their product.

2. The survey should take less than 30 seconds to complete.

3. Engage AI wants to give users the chance to try their product again.

Article analysis:

The article appears to be trustworthy and reliable, as it provides a clear call-to-action for users to take a survey in order to help Engage AI improve their product. There are no biases or one-sided reporting present in the article, and all claims made are supported by evidence that the survey should take less than 30 seconds to complete. The article does not explore any counterarguments or present any promotional content, and it is presented in an impartial manner without noting any potential risks associated with taking the survey. Additionally, both sides of the argument are presented equally, making this article trustworthy and reliable overall.