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Article summary:

1. Gold reacts directly with NaCl to produce AuCl for volatilization, promoting associated mineral FeS2 or C.

2. Zinc and vanadium can be separated from carbonaceous gold ore by chlorination roasting-water leaching process.

3. Under optimized conditions, 92.05% gold, 92.56% zinc and 85.34% vanadium were extracted from the ore.

Article analysis:

The article is generally reliable and trustworthy as it provides a detailed description of the chlorination roasting-water leaching process for the volatilization separation of gold, zinc and simultaneous vanadium recovery from carbonaceous gold ore. The article also presents thermodynamic calculations performed using HSC to support its claims about the reaction between gold and NaCl to produce AuCl for volatilization, as well as the reaction between ZnS and NaCl to produce ZnCl for volatilization directly or indirectly. Furthermore, the article provides evidence that under optimized conditions, 92.05% gold, 92.56% zinc and 85.34% vanadium were extracted from the ore by this process.

However, there are some potential biases in the article that should be noted when considering its trustworthiness and reliability. For example, while the article does provide evidence of successful extraction of gold, zinc and vanadium from carbonaceous gold ore using this process, it does not explore any potential risks associated with this method such as environmental impacts or health hazards due to exposure to toxic chemicals used in the process. Additionally, while thermodynamic calculations are presented in support of certain claims made in the article, there is no mention of any experiments conducted to verify these claims which could have provided further evidence for their accuracy and reliability. Finally, while both sides of an argument are presented in terms of possible reactions between different elements during chlorination roasting-water leaching process (e.g., direct vs indirect production of ZnCl), there is no discussion on which side is more likely or preferable given certain conditions which could have provided further insight into this topic.