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Article summary:

1. The article discusses the origin of basalts in central Inner Mongolia, East China, and their relationship to the subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate. It questions the widely accepted theory that recycled oceanic crust is the source of these basalts and suggests that recent mantle metasomatism may be responsible for their formation.

2. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that subduction of the paleo-Pacific plate has influenced geological processes in eastern China since the Mesozoic. However, the contribution and role of this subducted plate in the extensive volcanism in eastern China remains poorly understood.

3. The study presents major element, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Hf isotope data on the basalts from central Inner Mongolia. The data indicate that while the subducted ocean crust may have contributed to the petrogenesis of these basalts, it is inadequate to explain their enriched composition. The study suggests that recent low mass fraction melt metasomatism is a more likely mechanism for producing these enriched basalts.

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