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Article summary:

1. Cut-and-cover tunneling is the oldest method of tunneling, involving digging a trench, constructing a tunnel, and returning the surface to its original state.

2. WSP has experience designing and supervising construction of cut-and-cover tunnels in urban areas with unique challenges such as congested sites, historic areas, and crisscrossing utility and transit lines.

3. Support of excavation and groundwater control are critical factors in successful cut-and-cover tunnel construction, with options including temporary or permanent supports and techniques such as dewatering, watertight support systems, permeation, jet grouting, and ground freezing.

Article analysis:

The article provides a comprehensive overview of cut-and-cover tunneling, including its benefits and challenges. However, it is important to note that the article is written by WSP, a company that specializes in urban cut-and-cover construction. As such, there may be some bias towards promoting the use of this method.

The article does acknowledge the disruptive nature of cut-and-cover tunneling and the potential interference with traffic, utilities, businesses, and other urban activities. However, it also emphasizes the use of proper staging and decking over excavations to minimize disruption. It would have been helpful to explore more deeply the potential negative impacts on local communities and businesses during construction.

The article highlights WSP's experience in designing and supervising the construction of various types of excavation support systems. While this is informative, it could be seen as promotional content for their services.

The article mentions several examples of successful cut-and-cover tunneling projects completed by WSP. However, it would have been beneficial to include any potential risks or challenges faced during these projects.

Overall, while the article provides valuable information about cut-and-cover tunneling, readers should keep in mind that it is written from a biased perspective and may not present both sides equally.