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Article summary:

1. Nine physical model tests were conducted to understand the failure mechanism and limit support pressure of a shield tunnel face under seepage condition.

2. The limit pressure was found to increase with the cover-to-diameter ratio in a shallow tunnel, and it turned to be irrelevant to cover-to-diameter ratio in a deep tunnel.

3. The flow line around the tunnel face was traced by infused pigment, and the distribution was shown to be irrelevant with water level.

Article analysis:

The article “Experimental study of the face stability of shield tunnel in sands under seepage condition” is an experimental study that provides insights into the failure mechanism and limit support pressure of a shield tunnel face under seepage condition. The article is well written and provides detailed information on the experiments conducted, results obtained, and conclusions drawn from them. The authors have provided sufficient evidence for their claims made throughout the article, which makes it reliable and trustworthy.

However, there are some points that could be improved upon in order to make the article more comprehensive. For example, while the authors have discussed how seepage affects the limit support pressure of a shield tunnel face, they have not explored other factors such as soil type or groundwater conditions that may also affect this parameter. Additionally, while they have discussed how seepage affects the failure mode of a shield tunnel face, they have not discussed how other factors such as soil type or groundwater conditions may also affect this parameter. Furthermore, while they have discussed how seepage affects the flow line around a shield tunnel face, they have not discussed how other factors such as soil type or groundwater conditions may also affect this parameter.

In conclusion, overall this article is reliable and trustworthy due to its detailed description of experiments conducted and results obtained from them; however there are some points that could be improved upon in order to make it more comprehensive.