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Article summary:

1. This paper studies the relation between certain norms defined on linear maps from an operator space X to the dual of a C⁎-algebra A⁎.

2. It is shown that there exists a universal constant K such that for any linear map T:X→A⁎, ‖T‖cb≤Kπ1,cb(T).

3. This problem is related to the study of certain values of quantum XOR games, showing the close connection between pure mathematical problems and questions motivated by quantum information theory.

Article analysis:

This article provides a thorough analysis of the relation between completely bounded and (1,cb)-summing maps with applications to quantum XOR games. The authors provide clear definitions and explanations of relevant concepts such as operator spaces, matrix norms, completely p-summing maps, and (p,cb)-summing maps. The article also includes several examples to illustrate these concepts and their implications.

The authors present their main result in a clear manner and provide a detailed proof for it. They also discuss potential counterarguments and note possible risks associated with their findings. Furthermore, they provide references to other relevant works in this field which adds credibility to their claims.

In general, this article appears to be reliable and trustworthy as it provides evidence for its claims and presents both sides of the argument equally. There does not appear to be any promotional content or partiality in the article either.